Integrated Mobility and Energy for a New Eco-District in Rugeley

Soluciones asociadas
Infraestructura y entorno

Rugeley Power Limited (ENGIE UK) requested our support to develop an integrated mobility and energy masterplan for a new eco-district in Rugeley neighborhood (residential, tertiary, shops, school, leisure) on a brownfield zone (former 1GW coal fired power station site). An integrated mobility and energy masterplan was performed to elaborate different scenarios as from now to 2040 and evaluate the actions to reach this final end vision from an energy (building fabric, RES generation asset, thermal storage and electricity storage) and mobility (EV penetration, autonomous shuttle, shared fleet, public transport) point of view. The final
objective was to optimize the fabric cost and the local energy auto-consumption by minimizing the CO2 footprint of the overall

Cliente Rugeley Power Station
Presencia Rugeley, UK
Periodo 03/2019 - 09/2019

Services provided

Subdominios relacionados

Los subdominios relacionados son:
Eficiencia energética Eficiencia de edificios