Innovative MYRRHA Research Reactor

Soluciones asociadas
Infraestructura y entorno

MYRRHA (Multi-purpose Hybrid Research Reactor for High-tech Applications) is the world’s first prototype of a high-power research reactor driven by a particle accelerator, namely the MINERVA Accelerator. Its ambition is to offer a technological solution to reduce nuclear waste and produce medical radioisotopes for innovative cancer treatments.

Cliente SCK-CEN
Presencia Belgium
Periodo 2019 - 2026

EPCM mission related to the design and construction of the Buildings and Auxiliary Systems of the 100 MeV MINERVA proton accelerator

Subdominios relacionados

Los subdominios relacionados son:
Medical Centros de datos, salas limpias y de control Sanidad: sector farmacéutico, laboratorios y hospitales